Dream Builders have a special place at the McKinney Education Foundation. Since 2004, these amazing donors have committed to helping McKinney ISD students reach for their potential with assistance from their college advisor. The Dream Builders help MEF with placing college advisors on each McKinney high school campus to help students, teachers, and families navigate the college and financial aid application processes. Without these donors, McKinney ISD would not have individuals on our high school campuses fully committed to helping our students find what works best for their post-secondary plans.

What do they Dream Builders Provide?

DREAM BUILDERS provide year-round funding for our three College Advisors at each high school. our dream builder sponsors make this program possible.


Our college advisors provide the following services:

• Parent Workshops
• FAFSA Workshops
• Identify Scholarship Opportunities
• Individual Scholarship and College Assistance

Thank you to our current dream builders

Emerson, $10,000
Encore Wire, $10,000
Garrison Family Trust, $30,000-$40,000
Heritage Eye Center/Prism, $10,000
Independent Bank, $20,000
MEF Board of Trustees, $10,000
McKinney ISD

How You can join the dream

To become an MEF Dream Builder, please contact MEF today to sponsor our three college advisors. Contact Sheila Due for more information: sdue@mckinneyisd.net.


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